Harmony Honors Invitational | NYC + Carnegie Hall

Harmony Honors Invitational

New York City + Carnegie Hall
Enhanced Residency & Concert Performance

April 26-28, 2026

Principal Conductors

Philharmonia Orchestra: Kevin Noe

Wind Symphony: Frank Ticheli

Symphony Band: Jason Fettig

Symphony Orchestra + Choir: Jason Max Ferdinand


Collaborate and Perform in

Iconic NYC + Carnegie Hall

(and connect with other performers)

Curated and produced by Harmony Productions, the all-new Harmony Honors Invitational: Enhanced Residency + Concert Performance offers an incredible, mountain top experience to the concert bands, orchestras, and choirs auditioned and selected to participate in this dynamic, innovative concert residency and performance experience in New York City and Carnegie Hall in late April, 2026.  We have put together the premier line-up of Conducting and Teaching Artists to work with ensembles selected for the 2026 Harmony Honors Invitational.

As a program, the Harmony Honors Invitational will honor a highly selective group of orchestras, concert bands, and choirs to experience high level artistic and performance interactions, community building honor ensemble rehearsals, and amazing performance opportunities hand-in-hand with numerous collaborative interactions with other performers and teaching artists.

We hope you will apply and audition for one of a limited number of coveted spaces in this program!

Meet the Conductors

Jason Fettig


Kevin Noe


Frank Ticheli


New Paragraph

Jason Max Ferdinand

Program Overview

During the 3-day Harmony Honors Invitational, select symphonic bands, orchestras, and choirs will experience a wholly-collaborative enhanced residency and concert performance in the vibrant "Big Apple."  Participating ensembles will be treated to a rich tapestry of musical, cultural, and socially rewarding experiences.  Here's what awaits:

Day One (April 26, 2026)

  • Day 1 Collaborative Sessions: Prior to the event, each ensemble will be matched with 1 or 2 other similar ensembles (band with band, orchestra with orchestra, etc.) to form each honor ensemble (Symphony Band, Philharmonia Orchestra, Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra + Choir).

  • Welcome Ceremony: To get started on the right foot, however, all participating ensembles will come together to enjoy a hardy Welcome Ceremony and some inspirational vibes from leadership expert, Fran Kick, as we Kickin' It Off with Fran.

  • Perform for Each Other Prior to the first rehearsal of your combined ensemble, each individual ensemble will have the opportunity to perform for the other ensemble(s) in their designated honor ensemble to showcase their own rep and talent, while starting the process of cultivating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

  • Mentorship by the Masters - Evaluations: During each group's individual performance for some of their peers, one of our esteemed Teaching Artists (Catherine Birke, Joel Schut, Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant) will prepare written evaluation notes for each Director to help elevate and enhance their ensemble's skills back home.  Time permitting, a brief onstage clinic will also take place for each performing ensemble.

  • First Combined Rehearsal:  After a break for lunch, individual ensembles will combine into their designated honor ensemble, and meet up with their Conductor for an afternoon of exciting honor ensemble rehearsals.


  • Cultural Exchanges: Throughout each day, participating performers will have the opportunity to engage in heartwarming exchanges with others fostering an environment of mutual learning and appreciation.

  • Discover New York City: This evening the entire group can immerse themselves in the cultural and culinary delights of "the city that never sleeps," weaving sightseeing, group meals, broadway shows, and musical inspiration into a seamless experience.

Day Two (April 27, 2026)

  • Day 2 Collaborative Sessions: The fun and excitement continues as participating ensembles break into sections for Sectionals, then come back together with their honor ensemble for the second rehearsal!

  • Pen2Podium: To start the second day of the Harmony Honors Invitational, all performers will meet up for an engaging immersion into the world of composing from one of today's premier composers, Arturo Rodriguez.

  • Mentorship by the Masters - Sectionals After the Pen2Podium workshop, participants will divide up for Sectionals.  Each Sectional will be led by one of our esteemed Teaching Artists (including the Conductors, and other high magnitude teachers like Catherine Birke, Joel Schut, Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant, and more).

  • Second Combined Rehearsal:  After lunch, individual ensembles will again combine and meet with their Conductor for another afternoon of exciting honor ensemble rehearsals.

  • Discover More New York City: The evening will again be free to explore the sights and sounds of "The Big Apple."

Day Three (April 28, 2026)

  • Dress RehearsalThis morning, we'll get right to it with all participating ensembles gathering with their honor ensembles for a final dress rehearsal for tonight's concert!

  • Cue2Cue Logistics Rehearsal + Sound Check: Taking place in Carnegie Hall's Stern Auditorium, each honor ensemble will have a short time to practice set-up and movement logistics, along with a quick sound check to prepare for tonight's concert.

Grand Finale Performance in Carnegie Hall: The spotlight awaits each honor ensemble in magnificent Carnegie Hall. 

With a blend of unparalleled educational opportunities, transformative collaborative sessions, city adventures, and inspiring performances, the Harmony Honors Invitational event promises to crescendo in a memorable experience of inspiration, learning, and performance for everyone involved.  You won't want to miss it... and we would LOVE to have you there!

Carnegie Hall

Concert Performance...

  • Principal Conductors: Jason Fettig, Kevin Noe, Frank Ticheli, Jason Max Ferdinand

  • Composer-in- Residence: Arturo Rodriguez

  • The grand finale concert is set to be an unforgettable event featuring:

  • Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Kevin Noe

  • Wind Symphony conducted by Frank Ticheli

  • Symphony Band conducted by Jason Fettig

  • Symphony Orchestra with Massed Choir conducted by Jason Max Ferdinand

Also Included

  • Selection of and introduction to the other participating ensemble(s) with whom you will perform as an honor ensemble

  • Rehearsal notes from Harmony Production’s Artistic Team relating to honor ensemble repertoire assigned by the Principal Conductor, enhanced residency and performance logistics, etc.

  • Detailed event and performance schedule provided to each participating ensemble

  • Concert advertising and audience development

  • Concert listing with ensemble and performer names in official concert PlayBill
Go to Audition Page

Program Rates:

♬ Performer Rate:

$529.00 per performer

♬ Directors, Staff, & Chaperones:

1 free for every 25 performers

♬ Additional Chaperones / Guests:

$90.00 each (for concert ticket)

Submit an Audition

Harmony Tours

Sample Tour Itinerary*

Saturday, April 25, 2026

  • Travel Day to NYC
  • Meet your Dedicated Harmony Tours Guide
  • Check into Hotel
  • Inclusive Group Welcome Dinner

Monday, April 27, 2026

  • Inclusive Group Breakfast
  • Harmony Honors Invitational's Day 2 Collaborative Events
  • Inclusive Group Dinner in Times Square
  • NYC Sightseeing Opportunities

Wednesday, April 29, 2026

  • Inclusive Group Breakfast
  • Free time to explore Central Park, visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or shop along Fifth Avenue
  • Travel Home

Sunday, April 26, 2026

  • Inclusive Group Breakfast
  • Harmony Honors Invitational's Day 1 Collaborative Events
  • Visit 9/11 Memorial and One World Trade Center Observation Deck
  • Inclusive Group Dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner or Similar
  • Attend Broadway Musical

Tuesday, April 28, 2026

  • Inclusive Group Breakfast
  • Dress Rehearsal, Cue2Cue Logistics Practice, Sound Check
  • Early Group Dinner
  • Attend and Perform in Harmony Honors Invitational Concert in Carnegie Hall

*Customize Your Tour

Tour inclusions like transportation, hotel accommodations, sightseeing, broadway musicals, group meals, etc. are not included in the Program Rates listed above.

However, we would be more than happy to put together a full tour package for you and your group to visit NYC.  This Sample Tour Itinerary is just a starting point.  If you like it, just let us know and we'll get you a proposal!  If you want to customize it... we can do that too!

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