2026 Season Overview

2026 Season Overview


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2026 Season At A Glance

Opportunities for Choral Ensembles*

*Check farther down the page for instrumental and/or full music department opportunities in 2026

Choirs of America presents...

COA Nationals for Top Choirs

New York City + Carnegie Hall

Discover (or re-visit) our flagship event in spring, 2026.  Featuring world-class teaching artists, extremely engaging educational opportunities, collaborative experiences, and topped off with an awe-inspiring concert performance in Carnegie Hall complete with an All-Choir World Premiere from our Composer-in-Residence, the Nationals for Top Choirs program is the most sought-after choral event of the year.   Here are some of the details... 

COA Nationals for Top Choirs

March 19-21, 2026

Principal Conductor: Craig Hella Johnson

Guest Conductor:  Rollo Dilworth

Composer-in-Residence (World Premiere): Rollo Dilworth

Teaching Artists / Clinicians: Julie Yu, Bruce Rogers, Rollo Dilworth, Coty Raven-Morris, and André Thomas

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COA Nationals for Top Choirs

March 28-29, 2026

Principal Conductors:  Edie Copley, Coty Raven Morris,  and Andrea Ramsey

Composer-in-Residence (World Premiere): Andrea Ramsey

Teaching Artists / Clinicians:  Edie Copley, Andrea Ramsey, and Coty Raven Morris

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Harmony Productions presents...

2026 Harmony Honors Invitational

Enhanced Residency + Concert Performance

New York City | Carnegie Hall

April 26-28, 2026

The inaugural Harmony Honors Invitational will blaze new trails in concert residency and performance.  Each selected choral ensemble will partner with other select choirs, along with an auditioned symphonic honor orchestra, all led by Principal Conductor, Jason Max Ferdinand, in an unforgettable concert performance in world-famous Carnegie Hall.

  • Nature's Symphony

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    Harmony Productions presents...

    In Harmony 2026

    New York City + Carnegie Hall

    June 25-27, 2026

    Children's & Youth Choirs

    Enhanced Residency + Concert Performance

    Principal Conductor: Rollo Dilworth

    Composer-in-Residence (World Premiere): Sarah Quartel

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    College, Community & Church Choirs

    Enhanced Residency + Concert Performance

    Principal Conductor:  Jason Max Ferdinand

    Composer-in-Residence (World Premiere): Sarah Quartel

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    Choirs of America presents...

    Aloha State Choral Festival

    Oahu, Hawaii

    Festival Dates

    March 14, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include  Joshua Habermann, Edie Copley, Coty Raven Morris)

    March 28, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include  Joshua Habermann, Bruce Rogers, Carrie Tennant, André Thomas)

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    Choirs of America presents...

    American Choral Festival

    Anaheim, California

    Festival Dates

    March 28, 2026

    April 18, 2026

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    Choirs of America presents...

    American Choral Festival

    San Antonio, Texas

    Festival Date

    April 11, 2026

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    2026 Season At A Glance

    Opportunities for Instrumental Ensembles

    Harmony Productions presents...

    2026 Harmony Honors Invitational

    Enhanced Residency + Concert Performance

    New York City | Carnegie Hall

    April 26-28, 2026

    Limited to 8 auditioned instrumental ensembles, the inaugural Harmony Honors Invitational will blaze new trails in concert residency and performance.  Each selected ensemble will partner with another auditioned ensemble to form 1 of 4 honor ensembles led by Principal Conductors Jason Fettig, Frank Ticheli, or Kevin Noe.

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    Principal Conductor:

    Jason Fettig



    Principal Conductor:

    Frank Ticheli



    Principal Conductor:

    Kevin Noe


    Orchestra + Chorus

    Principal Conductor:

    Jason Max Ferdinand

    New York City

    Harmony Honors Festival

    Festival Date

    March 20, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include Kevin Noe, Fran Kick, Catherine Birke,

    Robert Frelly, Evan Harger, Greg Bimm,  and Arturo Rodriguez)

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    Oahu, Hawaii

    Harmony Honors Festival

    Festival Dates

    March 13, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include Kevin Noe, Stan Schoonover, Fran Kick,

    Creston Herron, Evan Harger, Kenny Lee,  and Arturo Rodriguez)

    March 27, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include Kevin Noe, J.R. Snow, Tiffany Lu,

    Joel Schut, Chris Kim, Greg Bimm  and Baljinder Sekhon)

    Go to Page for March 13, 2026 Go to Page for March 27, 2026

    Anaheim, California

    Harmony Honors Festival

    Festival Dates

    March 27, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include Allan McMurray, Creston Herron, Stan Schoonover,

    Johan de Meij, Nadège Foofat, Fran Kick,  and Jonathan Newman)

    April 17, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include Kevin Noe, Fran Kick, Kevin Geraldi, Patricia Cornett,

    Mark Dupere, Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant,  and Steven Bryant)

    Go to Page for March 27, 2026 Go to Page for April 17, 2026

    San Antonio, Texas

    Harmony Honors Festival

    Festival Date

    April 10, 2026

    (Teaching Artists include Frank Ticheli, Kevin Noe, Stan DeRusha, Fran Kick,

    Soo Han, Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant,  and Steven Bryant)

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    Carnegie Hall

    Featured Ensemble

    (Open the Concert!)

    Harmonic Convergence Concert

    (COA Nationals for Top Choirs)

    March 21, 2026

    Harmonic Convergence Concert

    (COA Nationals for Top Choirs)

    March 29, 2026

    Harmonic Convergence Concert

    (In Harmony Summer Program)

    June 27, 2026

    O'ahu, Hawai'i

    Featured Ensemble**

    (Open the Concert!)

    **May be combined with Harmony Honors Festival

    Aloha State Choral Festival

    Finale Concert

    March 14, 2026

    Aloha State Choral Festival

    Finale Concert

    March 28, 2026

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